A converter that calculates the rem from a px for a given rem size to make the measurement responsive
A converter that calculates the rem from a px for a given rem size to make the measurement responsive
As we can see in this list, px is a absolute unit, which is fixed with 1px = 1/96th inch.
While the em and rem, are the relative unit to the font size.
So, when calculte the rem size of the given px size, it is just using the px size , dividing the root element's font-size.
Then we get the the rem size of the give px size in the current font-size.
We need use the px size, divide the root element's font-size.
For example, if the root element font size is 16px, then convert the 16px to rem is 1rem.
As well as is 32px , it is 2rem.
px is the abbreviation of pixel.
Which represents the theorical smallest dot displayed on a computer screen.
Relative to font-size of the root element.
It varies with the root element font size.
px to rem formula: rem = px / root-element-font-size